
BIMAR uses the project management processes that generated due to experiences of prior projects, as well as globally accepted project management standards. This process aims 3 goals:

  1. Communication and maximal cooperation with the project sponsor and key users
  2. Solution of the project’s research-development issues with a systematical process
  3. Dividing the main product of the project to the smaller product parts, collecting the feedbacks about them and take action about these feedbacks in following product parts. 

BIMAR succesfully completed large number of projects by using project development methods and as a result, many of products generated.


BIMAR’s  research-development approach used in two completed TUBITAK-supported projects and is using in an EUREKA and a SANTEZ projects. These projects’ results and competence obtained from them used in other projects and generalized.


Our goal as BIMAR with the research-development activities; to outcompete on sectoral and global basis with improved and/or new applications. Therefore the research-development approach of BIMAR is generated and used in our projects. In simple terms , it is the systematical method used to solve production problems encountered in the customer requirements in front-end of the project and in the development of software. In picture below, you can see when and how research-development requirement came up.


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